[RBS] RBS People Unite to Help find RBS residents Jobs

[RBS] RBS People Unite to Help find RBS residents Jobs

Michael Schoemann mykey.schoemann at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 18:21:05 IST 2011

Dear RBS List,

I have been in the job market now for a few months.
What I have learned is that, although there are some nice websites with new
jobs listed every day, and many jobs that seem like a good fit, this is not
enough to actually get you the job. After posting my resume to tens of
potential jobs, I did not receive a single response not even negative
It could be that the market is flooded with job searchers but this will
strenthen the point that I want to propose.

It seems that the only way to actually get a foot in the door is to be
personally recommended.

To all of you who are fortunate to have jobs, keep your eyes and ears
open for opportunities in your companies and when something opens, please
post it to this list and offer to be be that personal recommendation.

The Rambam writes that the highest form of chessed is to help a person find
work that he can support himself.

There is a lot of talented people in RBS and many of them are trying to land
even a low level job, so if you can help, please do!

Tizku lemitzvos.


Michael Schoemann
Mykey.schoemann at gmail.com
052 760 1679
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