[RBS] Milk, Cheese, and other Dairy Issues - a Multimedia Presentation

[RBS] Milk, Cheese, and other Dairy Issues - a Multimedia Presentation

Beis Tefilla Yonah Avraham (BTYA) Information info2 at btya.org
Wed Jan 26 15:56:57 IST 2011


The next Shovevim Kashrus lecture features:

Rabbi Yaakov Borow, Kashrus Ingredients Approval, from T'nuva

Topics to be covered include:

. Why is some milk mehadrin and some not?
. If this is Israel, why are they using chalav nachri?
. What's with avkat chalav nachri?
. How do they milk the cows on Shabbos?
. How does milk get to be cheese (or yogurt or butter...)?
. The milchig-fleishig waiting game
. What is "hard cheese?"

Monday, January 31st, at 8:15 PM.

Rabbi Borow, an expert on these topics, will be using slides to explain
these topics of daily basis.

Open to men and women (with a mechitza).

You can hear previous Shovevim Kashrus shiurim, including last week's
lecture on Sha'atnez, at the "kashrus" link at www.btya.org.


BTYA, under the guidance of HoRav Malinowitz, is located in RBS A, at Nachal
Refaim 34A, corner of Luz.

For more information, or to hear recorded shiurim, visit our Web site at

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