[RBS] Invitation to the entire community - Memorial Service and Siyum Tanach for Rikki and Racheli Menora - this Motzei Shabbat

[RBS] Invitation to the entire community - Memorial Service and Siyum Tanach for Rikki and Racheli Menora - this Motzei Shabbat

Esther and Myles Wolfson wolfsone at netvision.net.il
Thu Jan 27 17:31:01 IST 2011

This Motzei Shabbat – January 29th, at 8 pm at Beit Knesset Netzach Menashe,
we will be having a special memorial service for Riki and Racheli Menora in
which we will also mark a Siyum Tanach – the completion of learning all of
tanach in their memory.  We want to invite all members of the community –
men and women, as well as friends of Rikki and Racheli and other youth of
the community, to attend and take part in a special evening in their
memory.  After the more formal part of the evening, which will include
speeches given by Rikki and Racheli’s friends as well as Sima Menora, there
will be light refreshments downstairs in the hall.  This will be an
opportunity for people to be with Sima and give her the support in person
that we were only able to give her via e-mail and phone when the actual
tragedy occurred.  

We want to invite everyone to join us on this special evening.   May we
share many special times and B’Ezrat Hashem – many Smachot!


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