[RBS] Fwd: RE: Re: Paid Parking in the RBS Mercaz??!!??

[RBS] Fwd: RE: Re: Paid Parking in the RBS Mercaz??!!??

Yehuda and Rebecca Poch butrfly at actcom.co.il
Sun Jan 30 10:20:09 IST 2011

I think the idea of paid parking in the merkaz is an amazing idea.

The three main culprits of the parking problem in the merkaz are:

a-The rental car companies

b-Residents of the apartments in the merkaz who simply don't use the 
underground parking that is reserved for them

c-People who don't park straight and take up two (or three!) parking 
spots as a result.

Resident cards will not help any of those situations since the rental 
car companies, the apartment residents, and people who take up too many 
spaces will all have them.  The people who use the merkaz are, almost 
totally, residents of RBS anyway, so having cards would simply remove 
any benefit to the program.

But initiating paid parking in the merkaz would eliminate all three of 
these problems (if fully implemented properly).

A – it would become too expensive for the rental car companies to 
continue parking their cars in the lots.

B- The residents would have a free option in their own lots.

C- Those taking up two or three spots and not paying for them all could 
still be ticketed (if this is implemented properly).

Of course, another option would be to actually build the ma'ar with its 
own (underground and multi-level) parking garages.

*Yehuda Poch, Director of Communications*

*OneFamily Fund - Helping Israel's Victims of Terror*

28 Rachel Imenu, POB 8573, Jerusalem, Israel 93228

Phone: (972) 2-539-9000, Fax: (972) 2-539-9011

Direct Line: (972)2-539-9010, Cell: (972) 54-499-7624

*yehuda at OneFamilyFund.org* 
<mailto:yehuda at OneFamilyFund.org>*www.OneFamilyFund.org* 

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