[RBS] upcoming Likrat Kallah event

[RBS] upcoming Likrat Kallah event

Pinhasik's saddav at zahav.net.il
Thu Jul 7 10:45:23 IDT 2011

We have already started planning our annual Likrat Kallah event (to be held
in Cheshvan, Be-ezrat H-shem).  This event is so incredibely important for
the gemach since it significantly enables us to keep helping the many
kallahs who turn to us for help.  I cannot stress to you enough how
important last year's event was and what a zechus is was for all those who
made the event happen, because through their help, we helped so many

B"H, to date( since the gemach started over the last 6.5 years), we have
helped 1339 kallahs  So many of these kallahs are orphaned or come from
homes where someone is ill.  Many kallahs are baalei teshuva or converts who
have no parental support as they begin their new lives.  Receiving 6 new
household items from Likrat Kallah is truly a breath of fresh air for
them-one less thing they need to struggle to find the funds to cover, at a
time when they are struggling  to cover  the costs of a basic wedding. (all
our kallahs spend minimum amounts on the wedding hall/caterer , etc, since
it is superfluous to say, that they don't have the money to cover this as

So, we are asking you if you would like to chip in on this mitzva and help
sponsor our upcoming event.
Silver sponsor:  250 nis
Gold sponsor: 500 nis
Platinum sponsor:  750 nis.
(you can receive a receipt, recognized for tax purposes)

Remember that the mitzvah of Hachnasat Kallah, as explained by the Steipler
Rav, has the special power for a refuah shleimah.  This, the Steipler
explained, is seen in our morning tefillot, "Ailu Dvarim She-adam Ochal
Perotaheim ...."  The mitzvah of Hachnassat Kallah comes in between Bikur
Cholim and Levayat Hamat.  Sort of a strange placement for a happy mitzvah
but the Steipler explained that the reason is -  that this mitzvah has the
power to be a buffer between Bikur Cholim and Levayat Hamat.  The Rav of
Belgium (Rav Kriesworth-forgive me if the spelling is off) asked the
Steipler for a segula for a refuah shelimah and was given this answer.  He
became involved in the mitzvah and merited to live many more years.

Also, helping H-shem's kallahs has a very special merit for your very own
kallahs and chatanim who need to find their zivug.  As Rebbetzin Rottman
from Neve Yerushalayim,
said, "If you want H-shem to help you with your kallahs, you have to be
helping H-shem with His kallahs."

Finally, a dvar Torah that I recently heard from Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn:
After 120, a person will be asked 6 questions-one of which is , "Did you
accomplish the mitzvah of Piru Urvu(being fruitful and multiplying.)"   Rav
Krohn explained that the true meaning is whether a person helped poor brides
get married.  The reason being is that when a poor family needs to marry off
their daughter, they may hesitate due to a lack of funds.  This hesitation
may continue until indeed the young girl never marries.  If that is the
case, generations and generations of people that were meant to be born, will
not be born.  So, after 120, H-shem will ask us if we accomplished the
mitzvah of Piru Urvu by making sure that those generations, of poor brides
and grooms, were able to be born.

So, for all these reasons, consider helping Likrat Kallah help more and more
kallahs from families that need help.

I urge you to get involved and grab this mitzvah.

Please be in touch if you are interested.

Sadeena Pinhasik  999-4463

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