[RBS] Shabbos Candle lighting - Chava bas Faiga

[RBS] Shabbos Candle lighting - Chava bas Faiga

rfried rfried at shemesh.co.il
Thu Jul 7 11:57:04 IDT 2011

In Israel, Friday night candlelighting time is the approximate time for my
sister Jane Herscovici's surgery in Denver. 

Please daven for Chava bas Faiga - that she will have a successful surgery
and that she will have a complete refuah shelamah!!!

Candle lighting time is an 'eit ratzon', a powerful moment for Tefilah when
the gates of Heaven are wide open. 
So daven with kavana.

Jane's fight with cancer doesn't end with the surgery. There are still many
steps to go. Daven that all the cancer will be eradicated from Jane's body
and that the healing process can begin.

With much love,
Riki (Jane's sister)

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