[RBS] Fw: Saidels Bakery motto - "Baked with Love" + Family Baking Workshops

[RBS] Fw: Saidels Bakery motto - "Baked with Love" + Family Baking Workshops

yamin and justine cohen justine at neto.net.il
Wed Jul 13 20:21:30 IDT 2011

Subject: Saidels Bakery motto - "Baked with Love" + Family Baking Workshops

      Our motto at Saidels Bakery is "baked with love". Every item is meticulously hand-made and made with the same loving care that people invest in home cooking. We are not a production-line bakery. For this reason you may think that Saidels Bakery should be reserved for special treats and special occasions. This is not true!

      Enjoy world class baked products every Shabat. We produce our healthy and premium quality hand made challahs, breads, bagels and cookies, every week of the year, not just on chagim.We believe that even world class bread should be affordable to everyone. Our products are competitively priced and you will be pleasantly surprised to see that for such high quality you don't need to break the bank. 

      So UP your standard - make Saidels challahs your regular Shabat challahs and enjoy the delicious taste, the health benefits and the unsurpassed quality every week of the year.

      Saidels delivers to  Ramat Bet Shemesh every Friday. We have a  pick-up point  and we ALSO DELIVER to your door for an extra 10 NIS delivery fee. 

      Our pick-up point in Ramat Bet Shemesh is at: The Cohen Family, Nachal Nachshon 6/18 (the cottages behind building #6). Tel: 9920559 from from 14:30-16:30.

      To order, visit http://saidels.com and use our user friendly on-line order form or call  09-7941222. Our website contains photos and information about all our products. 
      Saidels Bakery is offering family baking workshops. 
      Workshops are suitable for children from age 5. There are 2 choices of

      Workshop 1: The Circle of Life - the birth of a bagel and donut
      Learn about the history of one of the Jewish people's oldest breads,
      discover what bagels have to do with Judah the Maccabee and then experience hands on how bagels and donuts are made.

      Workshop 2: International Bread Treasure Hunt - a journey of fun and
      discovery. Travel all over the world and discover breads you have never heard of, as you scurry to find the buried treasure (an ancient, secret recipe of the world most delicious bread), before time runs out.

      Besides learning a lot and having a really fun time, you and your kids will
      return home with their own baked delicacies. 

      So make a Saidels Bakery Workshop the focus of an enjoyable day's outing for the family. Visit our unique bakery in the pastoral hills of the Shomron,
      enjoy a light lunch in our kiosk and then go on to visit the numerous nature
      and tourist attractions in the area in the afternoon or go to
      Herzelia/Netanya beach.

      Workshops will take place starting from July 24 and will run till the end of August from Sundays to Wednesdays  9:30-12:30 by prior arrangement, at least 4-5 days ahead of time. Minimum number of participants is 4 people.

      Price: (per person per workshop) 75 NIS. Family discount - 3 people or more 50 NIS per person. 

      To sign up, call now at 09-794-1222 or email us at shezles at saidels.com 

      In the meantime we look forward to taking your orders for Shabbat.

      Shabbat Shalom

      Les and Sheryl Saidel
      Saidels Bakery "baked with love"
      Tel: 09-7941222
      shezles at saidels.com

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