[RBS] TORA DOJO KARATE early bird discount for Bet Shemesh and RBS. WHY TORA DOJO?

[RBS] TORA DOJO KARATE early bird discount for Bet Shemesh and RBS. WHY TORA DOJO?

Ari & MimF fuld at netvision.net.il
Tue Jul 19 10:50:36 IDT 2011

In September we will be starting Tora Dojo's 15th year in Bet Shemesh!! 
Karate courses can be taken almost anywhere these days, and our violent times offer more than enough reason to enroll in one of them. 

The Tora Dojo Martial Arts Association (TDA), offers more than just a means to learn self-defense. Along with the superior instruction the student receives, a special mentality develops. 

If the student is serious, this mentality and outlook will last a lifetime. In our highly pressured world the correct mental attitude is just as essential for survival as knowing how to defend oneself. 

The TDA also offers a totally unique reason for taking Karate. We teach Jewish karate, not just karate taught by Jews.

Special early bird discounts offered:
register before July 30th and receive a 50% discount on registration.
Register before August 20th and receive a 25% discount

Classes take place on Sundays and Thursdays
5:00-6:00 Kids beginner Karate
6:00-7:00 Kids advanced Karate 
7:00-8:00 Women's and Teens Karate and Self Defense
8:00-9:30 Men's Karate

For more information or registration contact:
Sensei Ari Fuld
toradojo.fuld at gmail.com

Tora Dojo takes place twice a week in the Jabotinsky school gym off Rechov Rakefet.

 Beginner Kids Karate (From 3rd grade up to 6th grade)
TORA DOJO Kids Karate offers a unique programs that helps develop Self Confidence as well as Self Control. We have often observed 'C' students blossom into 'A' students as a direct result of training with Tora Dojo. Shy students discover their strengths and hyperactive and impulsive students find their calm.

ADVANCED KIDS KARATE- This class is designed for advanced Tora Dojo students or students who have studied with another style and have ranked at least yellow belt. 

WOMEN"S AND TEENS KARATE and Self Defense (ages 12 and up)
This specially designed class will arm Women with the tools needed to defend themselves against attack. Traditional Japanese Karate is taught  along with a concentration in physical fitness development and a strong state of mind. In today's world this class is a necessity for every woman to take. No prior knowledge needed.

This class is a full traditional Karate class.
Japanese Karate and self defense technique is taught as well as a strong concentration on physical fitness development. Chi Gong as well as meditation and breathing is practiced. 

For more information or registration contact:
Sensei Ari Fuld 
toradojo.fuld at gmail.com

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