[RBS] Please join Matan for a special shiur dedicated to the refuah shlayma of Tzippy Tokayer

[RBS] Please join Matan for a special shiur dedicated to the refuah shlayma of Tzippy Tokayer

engelberg@ieee.org whyvette.e at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 22:49:20 IDT 2011

Matan Bet Shemesh invites the women of the community to connect to the
spirit of the Three Weeks at a special shiur dedicated to the refuah
shlayma of Tzippy Tokayer:

“Har HaBayit: MeChurban LeBinyan”  (shiur in Hebrew)
Given by Tzipora Filtz
The lecture will be accompanied by spectacular photographs of the
Temple Mount today, and will familiarize us with the gates of the
Temple Mount, the walls that surround it, and the location of the
Foundation Stone. The lecture will also address the holiness of the
site today and our yearning for the Temple’s rebuilding.

Tuesday night, 24 Tammuz – July 26  20:30 (after the conclusion of Maariv)

at Beit Knesset Netzach Menashe

NIS 20/person

Tzipora Filtz has been lecturing on the subject of the Mikdash for
over twelve years, and is a senior lecturer at Machon HaMikdash.
Tzipora has a B.A. from Bar Ilan and an M.A. in Jewish History from
Touro College. She has studied in Midreshet Lindenbaum and Nishmat.
Tzipora also teaches in the Matan Bat Mitzva Program.

May our Torah learning in Tzippy's zchut help to hasten her refuah shlayma.
We look forward to seeing you!

matanbetshemesh at gmail.com

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