[RBS] Fw: Saidels Bakery SPECIAL this week on Sweet Challahs

[RBS] Fw: Saidels Bakery SPECIAL this week on Sweet Challahs

yamin and justine cohen justine at neto.net.il
Thu Jul 21 07:39:45 IDT 2011

--Subject: Saidels Bakery SPECIAL this week on Sweet Challahs

      SPECIAL OFFER! This week - 2 Sweet challahs for 20 NIS
      Regular price is 12.50 NIS each

      Saidels Sweet Challahs are the healthiest and tastiest sweet challahs 
      you have ever eaten, with 10% stone ground organic whole wheat flour 
      (which is unnoticeable to the kids - if you don't tell them they won't 
      even know they are eating healthy). Attractive 4 braided challah that 
      is a delight at the Shabat table.

      Saidels Bakery also has a wide variety of health breads, other special 
      challahs, bagels, cookies and pies. Visit our website at 
      www.saidels.com for more information about our unique process and our 
      yummy products.

      Saidels delivers to  Ramat Bet Shemesh every Friday. We have a  pick-up point  and we ALSO DELIVER to your door for an extra 10 NIS delivery fee. 

      Our pick-up point in Ramat Bet Shemesh is at: The Cohen Family, Nachal Nachshon 6/18 (the cottages behind building #6). Tel: 9920559 from from 14:30-16:30.

      To order, visit http://saidels.com and use our user friendly on-line order form or call  09-7941222. Our website contains photos and information about all our products. 

      Shabbat Shalom

      Les and Sheryl Saidel
      Saidels Bakery "baked with love"
      Tel: 09-7941222
      shezles at saidels.com

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