[RBS] Tonight! Project Inspire and the Ahavas Yisroel Project come to RBS!

[RBS] Tonight! Project Inspire and the Ahavas Yisroel Project come to RBS!

Sarah Gordon sarahisima at gmail.com
Mon Jul 25 10:01:39 IDT 2011

Special shiur open to all the women of  RBS/BS :

Reaching Out/Reaching In - highlighting how we can reach out beyond
our own communities and social circles through Ahavas Yisroel.

presenting Mrs. Tzippy Reifer - lecturer for Project Inspire and the
Ahavas Yisroel Project

Monday  אור לכד תמוז  July 25, 8:45 PM

Kehillas Shivtei Yeshurun 'little' Dolev 2 (corner Yarden)

suggested contribution 10 Shekel members/15 Shekel non members

Our Kehilla is proud to have been on the forefront of the Ahavas
Yisroel project, with the first Ahavas Yisroel group  in Ramat Beit
Shemesh held in the Haber home. Rebetzin Mimi Janevic spoke to a large
gathering of our Neshei at a meeting  two years ago. As the groups in
Beit Shemesh grew, ours became absorbed in others around the
neighborhood (true Ahavas Yisroel!).

Once again, we are teaming up with the Ahavas Yisroel program to bring
Mrs. Tzippy Reifer to Ramat Beit Shemesh for a truly inspirational

''Reaching Out/Reaching In".

Mrs. Reifer is a typical woman from Brooklyn  whose life took an
unexpected turn into kiruv. In her work with Project Inspire she has
teamed up with Mrs. Tzippora Harris, founder of the Ahavas Yisroel
project. Her talk will highlight ways in which we can reach out beyond
our own communities and social circles through Ahavas Yisroel.

We look forward to hosting women from across the spectrum of the
English speaking Beit Shemesh community, in the true spirit of Ahavas
Yisroel. Please let your friends know.

Reaching Out/Reaching In
presenting Mrs. Tzippy Reifer

Monday  אור לכד תמוז  July 25, 8:45 PM

Kehillas Shivtei Yeshurun 'little' Dolev 2 (corner Yarden)

suggested contribution 10 Shekel members/15 Shekel non members

for information please call Rebetzin Haber 0525395217

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