[RBS] EVENT: Shabbat Nachamu Machon Shilo-Torat Eretz Yisrael Shabbaton In RBS

[RBS] EVENT: Shabbat Nachamu Machon Shilo-Torat Eretz Yisrael Shabbaton In RBS

Machon Shilo toratheretzyisrael at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 26 18:14:20 IDT 2011

The Shabbat you've been dreaming about is FINALLY here!

Join us for a Torat Eretz Yisrael - Machon Shilo "Shabbaton" in Ramat Beth Shemesh

Want to have a great time with other fantastic families from around Israel??

This is the chance to give your wife a break from cooking and cleaning!

Enjoy fascinating shiurim from the head of Machon Shilo, HaRav David Bar-Hayim. 

Shabbat Nachamu
Fri. 12-13th of Av -  Aug 12-13th
(Option to stay over Motzei Shabbat)
In the beautiful hills of Ramat Beit Shemesh


Group "Mountain Bike Ride" in the scenic RBS mountain trails.
Pre Shabbat Ruach with Live Music!
Minyan for all tefillot
Group meal
Shiur and shmooze (english)

Shabbat Day:
Teffilat Shachrit
followed by a Shiur
12:00PM Lunch
2:00-2:30PM Women's Shiur

2:30PM Rest

5:15PM Community Shiur
6:00PM Mincha
Seudat Shlishit
with Zmirot, Shiur and a Shmooze
Havdala with Music

The Shabbaton will be topped off off with an enjoyable Shabbat Nachamu concert motzei Shabbath with Shlomo Walfish of Aish Orchestra and Moshe Levi.

The exact price is unknown yet, but looks like it will be 
approximately 200NIS per person for the entire Shabbat

PLEASE reply as SOON as possible to office at machonshilo.org if you are interested or even if you MAY be interested, just so that we have an idea
of how many people may be attending.


Machon Shilo 

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