[RBS] Posting for Saidels Bakery -SPECIAL on Whole Wheat & Honey Challahs

[RBS] Posting for Saidels Bakery -SPECIAL on Whole Wheat & Honey Challahs

Andrew Gordon ag at mindworks.co.za
Wed Jul 27 22:56:04 IDT 2011


SPECIAL OFFER - Whole Wheat and Honey Challah this week 12 NIS only (instead
of the regular 16 NIS)

By far our biggest hit in the challah department is our Whole Wheat and
Honey Challah. This challah is beginning to take Israel by storm, but it
wasn't always that way.

It took us over a year and a half, after starting our bakery, to get 
this challah just right. Obviously when we first made it, it was a high
quality challah, but it suffered from a more complex malady that affects all
whole wheat breads - getting the right MIX of health and lightness that
satisfies most people. 

We originally thought that by providing maximum health in the challah and
making it 100% whole wheat, we would attract the largest clientelle, but
unfortunately most people found 100% too heavy for a challah. Despite the
obvious health benefits of a 100% whole wheat, the challah never took off
(we still make a 100% whole wheat pan loaf for those who will accept nothing

After playing around with different ratios and coarseness of the grind of
the flour (we grind it ourselves from organically grown wheat) for almost 18
months, we finally hit upon the magic formula - a 50:50 whole-wheat/white
flour challah with just the right coarseness, sweetness/saltiness ratio and
texture and a unique, attractive 5 strand braid.

The success of this challah has been dazzling. It has even supplanted the
sales of our standard sweet challah and it continues to amaze us each week
with its success and the incredible feedback we get from people who have
tried it and are hooked.

The secret of this challah is firstly in its lightness and uniqueness 
of texture, secondly in its amazing taste due to a highly guarded 
secret blend of the highest quality ingredients and thirdly, due to 
its amazing health benefits.

If you haven't yet tried our Whole Wheat and Honey challah, this is your
chance. Take advantage of our special offer this week - 

SPECIAL OFFER - Whole Wheat and Honey Challah this week 12 NIS only (instead
of the regular 16 NIS)

Saidels is a boutique bakery which also makes a wide range of health breads,
bagels, bialys, cookies and pastry that cannot be found anywhere else in

Visit our website  <http://www.saidels.com/> www.saidels.com to find out
more about our unique bakery and to order.

Saidels delivers to Ramat Bet Shemesh every Friday. We have  a pick-up point
in Ramat Bet Shemesh and we ALSO DELIVER to your door for an extra 10 NIS
delivery fee.
Our pick-up point in Ramat Bet Shemesh for this week:
The Gordons, Nachal Shimshon 12/1

Tel: 9997643 from 14:00-16:00.

To order, visit  <http://saidels.com/> http://saidels.com and use our user
friendly on-line order form or call  09-7941222. Our website contains photos
and information about all our products.

Shabbat Shalom

Les and Sheryl Saidel
Saidels Bakery "baked with love"
Tel: 09-7941222
 <http://saidels.com/> http://saidels.com
shezles at saidels.com


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