[RBS] caution: do not buy a Beko refrigerator if you live in the Jerusalem area

[RBS] caution: do not buy a Beko refrigerator if you live in the Jerusalem area

Jennifer Bloom jbloom at smile.net.il
Thu Jul 28 12:41:13 IDT 2011

(yes, Beit Shemesh is "the Jerusalem area") 

The fridge is fine so far (1 week old) but you have to be in contact with a
separate company for the service (to get the handles installed and the
special clip put on so that the light doesn't go on on Shabbat) and they are
horrific. Literally, they cannot answer the phone without accidentally
hanging up on you 4 times (each time, you must wait approximately 10 minutes
for them to attempt to pick up while you listen to music (which, yes, is
haunting me still in my head)). Whatever time you schedule to arrive, they
write down what they want - e.g., I scheduled for them to arrive on Tuesday
but they must not have hit Save so when no one showed up on Tuesday, I
called and had to schedule their arrival again! (it seems that the person
who handles the phone and appointments must just not understand how to click
buttons correctly). Then, they arrive when it suits them (2 hours EARLY when
your children are home alone). When you call to complain (and you finally
get through after the 4 disconnected calls - not exaggerating), they tell
you that what their computer says must be correct about the time you
scheduled for, regardless of your own distinct memory of the appointment
MADE ONLY TWO DAYS BEFORE (ie., no memory loss!), the fact that it is
written in ink in your calendar, and the fact that there is NO WAY you would
schedule for that time since you KNEW you would be out. 

Now I am ever more hopeful that nothing goes wrong with this refrigerator
because I do not ever want to have to be in touch with them again!

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