[RBS] tribute to beit shemesh's finest (aka: the police)

[RBS] tribute to beit shemesh's finest (aka: the police)

Riva joelriva at bezeqint.net
Fri Jun 3 17:31:35 IDT 2011

Last night, at 4 AM, when I woke up to feed my baby, I heard strange noises
coming from the shul across the street. I debated about whether calling the
police was really prudent-maybe it was just a cat, or a cleaning person, but
in the end I decided to give it a try. The operator was very courteous and
thorough-she asked me lots of questions and asked me to stay on the line as
she called out a patrol car. About 10 minutes later, a police car finally
came down the street, checked out the shul, and I got a return call on my
phone from one Kobi from Mishtarat Beit Shemesh who wanted to come up to my
apartment to explain to me that they actually found a cleaner in there,
cleaning out the shul. Being pajama-clad, I opted out of the personal visit,
and he very graciously thanked me for making the call.


So two points I wanted to get across:

1.	The police DO seem to respond. It may not be as prompt as it could
be, but it was heartening at least to see a response-even though I was
offering very sketchy evidence of a possible break-in at the shul.
2.	Both the operator and the policeman were very happy that I had
called, even though there was a harmless ending. I think the lesson is that
when in doubt, call. Better safe than sorry. That's just MY interpretation,
of course.


Good Shabbos,



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