[RBS] therapeutic clown teen boys' course

[RBS] therapeutic clown teen boys' course

leora davids davidsleora at gmail.com
Sun Jun 5 12:29:48 IDT 2011

I'm trying to organize a course for teen boys who are interested in
performance arts.  The course would be run by a certified medical
(therapeutic) clown, and focus on various entertainment arts.  The
culmination of the course will include a performance for local camps and a
volunteer group visit to a hospital.

The course would occur 2 afternoons a week over the course of a 4 weeks
during vacation.  (dates to be determined but they will overlap with ben

Each session would be aprox. two hours in length.

A youth certification would be awarded upon completion.

Projected cost aproximately between 400-500 shekel depending on size of
group.  Group will not exceed 20 boys.

If interested please email me at davidsleora at gmail.com
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