[RBS] Our latest newsletter at PwP - Autism Spectrum Disorder - A Changing Diagnosis in 2011

[RBS] Our latest newsletter at PwP - Autism Spectrum Disorder - A Changing Diagnosis in 2011

Gayle Shimoff gayle at pwp.org.il
Sun Jun 5 15:10:28 IDT 2011

Fifteen years ago, the term autism was used primarily to refer to severely
impaired children and adults. Today, the term has been re-defined to include
a wide range of difficulties - a spectrum, including individuals with normal
cognitive and language abilities, yet people who struggle to function
independently in social situations. 


Please take a few minutes to read our latest e-newsletter: 

"A Changing Diagnosis - Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD ) in the year 2011"



This newsletter will give you an opportunity to better understand the
strengths and weaknesses of a child or teen diagnosed with ASD in this

Wishing you all a wonder Shavuot. 




P.S. Please share this e-newsletter with a personal friend or your friends
on Facebook, if you believe it can help them be more effective parents. 


Gayle S Shimoff, MA 

Learning Disabilities and Reading Specialist 

gayle at pwp.org.il 


Partners with Parents, R"A, A non profit organization in Israel 


Phone 02-999-4817 

Fax: 1-532-999-4817 

Toll Free from the USA: 1-866-563-6915 

Blog http://partnerswithparents.wordpress.com/ 

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/partnerswithparents

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