[RBS] Avoiding Police Intimidation #2

[RBS] Avoiding Police Intimidation #2

Aryeh Sonnenberg aryehsonnenberg at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 23:02:04 IDT 2011

I've recently heard a story about local police/pakachim taking advantage of
citizen's rights, and I feel a responsibility to assist you to protect
yourself from such. 

Police are trained to intimidate people. For the most part, this is used on
people who truly deserve it, but not always.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a lawyer, and this information should not be relied
upon as legal advice. I am NOT suggesting that one should break any laws
(not in this email anyway).


Rule #2...

You DO NOT need to OPEN YOUR DOOR to every officer/pakach that asks you to
do so.

For example:

You are home, and an officer (or a city employee of any sort) knocks on your
door and asks to come in.

No officer has a legal right to come into your home without your permission
UNLESS they have a search warrant signed by a judge.

You do NOT NEED TO EVEN OPEN YOUR DOOR, but open it a little bit, and

Demand that they a) show you their police ID and b) show you the warrant
BEFORE you allow them into your home.

They will ask to come in, even WITHOUT this warrant, as once you have let
them inside, it is very difficult to get them to leave.

Failure to do so could get you into a lot of unnecessary trouble.

They are likely to start speaking in a more threatening, intimidating
fashion, like "You are making this more difficult for yourself."

This can be particularly unpleasant if you do not speak Hebrew well.

You are making their job more difficult...they will not be happy. They like
open-and-shut cases.

Back where we came from, one automatically assumed that the police didn't
only enforce the law, they also abided by it. Don't assume that here (for
that matter, it's not necessarily true, there, either...).

Don't let them trample your rights.

Aryeh Sonnenberg
"The Land is Very, Very Good"
There is life AFTER America!

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