[RBS] New Shiur in Perek Cheilek - Starting This Sunday Night

[RBS] New Shiur in Perek Cheilek - Starting This Sunday Night

Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham (BTYA) Information info2 at btya.org
Wed Jun 15 09:00:26 IDT 2011


Come learn, grow, and be inspired by Rav Moshe Goldstein, shlita, delivering
a shiur twice-a-week on Perek Cheilek, the famous "aggadatta" Perek in
In addition to an impressive background replete with accomplishments (was a
magid shiur in the Kollel Zichron Rabeinu Moshe Feinstein when it was
started in Mill Basin, N.Y., also co-founded Yeshiva Nesivos Chaim and was
the Rosh Kollel for the last 4 years), Rav Goldstein, as well as his father,
learned by the master: Rav Avigdor Miller zt"l.
The shiur will b'ezras Hashem enable you to become familiar with  many of
the fundamental principles of Yiddishkeit: Emunah, Bitachon, Olam Haba,
Torah, Tefillah, Chesed, etc.  In the context of the Aggadata, these
principles will be clearly explained so that they will be both easy to
understand as well as profound. 
Every Sunday and Wednesday (starting this Sunday night, June 19th;
refreshments will be served)
Time: 9:30-10:15pm (followed by maariv at 10:15)
Location: BTYA Beis Medrash, corner of Refa'im and Luz ,on Refa'im.
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