[RBS] HUGE MOVING SALE FRIDAY - Books, videos, furniture, toys, etc.

[RBS] HUGE MOVING SALE FRIDAY - Books, videos, furniture, toys, etc.

Ari Gerber arigerber at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 23 19:47:49 IDT 2011

THIS FRIDAY in RBS: Huge Moving Sale!    Lots of Bargains!
Over 300 English and Hebrew books at 5 NIS (MANY novels, religious, business, 
Over 100 children's books at 5 NIS or less 
Over 150 videotapes at 5 NIS (Disney, children's movies, comedies, classic 
movies, etc.)

Furniture: bookcases, hutch, microwave cabinet, solid wood coat closet, keter 
chairs, metal file cabinet, etc.
Small appliances: Breadmaker (pareve), Humidifier (new), TV (great for videos), 
VCR, etc..
PLUS: wooden ladder, housewares, software, cassettes, much more!
All at bargain prices
THIS Friday, June 24, 9am to 1pm
In the parking area of Nachal Timna 16B, RBS A
(last building around the circle on Timna)

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