Leeba (Bell) Rosenthal hazlucha at bezeqint.net
Sun Jun 26 01:01:31 IDT 2011

Please note that Daniel ben Leah has a new name and IYH a good mazal
SHALOM DANIEL BEN LEAH  is who we are all davening for now.  
May we share in besorot tovot.
To sign up for tehilim click on the link below

Thank you all,  your  concern  and help has brought tremendous support to
the entire family! 


We would like to do a 40 day mishmeret of Tehillim for SHALOM Daniel ben

SHALOM Daniel ben Leah is my son in law's brother; he was in choir with my
son and many of your sons; he is a friend of many of your kids. This week
Daniel was told he has a malignant brain tumor in a very dangerous place. As
frum Jews we do not believe in statistics, we believe in the power of
Hakadosh Baruch Hu. We believe in the power of mitsvos and tefilah. Shalom
Daniel needs our tefilos NOW. As the next few weeks and months are so
critical for this young boy we are asking for people to sign up to join us
in tehilim for a 40 day cycle. Please G-d we won't need it after that. The
family is a family who knows only from bitachon and simcha even if hard
situation; your signing up and your tefilla will also give them support for
their already positive attitude in this very difficult time.

Shalom Daniel ben Leah's 17th birthday is in less than one month. Let's help
make it a real celebration and lets help him get to 120, beezras Hashem.

May we share in besoros tovos,
The Rosenthal and Ray families

It is hoped to have the list complete and start the cycle by this MONDAY
June 27, the 25th of Sivan to finish on FRIDAY August 5, the 5 of Av
(including both those days).
and that in the merit thereof he should have a full recovery.

If you are interested in joining, please sign up by clicking the link - but
please don't feel obligated to join if it is too much. We are trying to do
as many books of Tehillim as we can, so please sign up even if you see a
name beside the perek. 


Just a few notes regarding the mishmeret: It's very important, when taking
on the commitment to join the mishmeret, to say on the first day that you
intend to say Tehillim for Shalom Daniel ben Leah for 40 days, Bli Neder. If
forget a day, this is a serious halachik problem because the commitment is
binding (a neder), which is why saying Bli Neder is important.

If it happens that you forget, then it's recommended to say the prakim
again, when you remember (even if it means saying them twice in one day). In
addition, if you're worried about forgetting, it's a good idea to find a
friend or neighbor to use as a partner/back up to say the same perakim as
you. Please follow the Jewish day when saying the tehillim.

Also, please mention Shalom Daniel ben Leah in your Shmonei Esrei tefilla.

Leeba (Bell) Rosenthal
BESIMCHA~Service With A Smile
Catering, Party Planning, Decorating, Arranging and Set Up
~From fun to fancy, simple to elegant~
~077 78 555 11~

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