[RBS] need lawyer rec for police fraudulent behavior

[RBS] need lawyer rec for police fraudulent behavior

Leeba (Bell) Rosenthal hazlucha at bezeqint.net
Wed Jun 29 20:30:05 IDT 2011

Posting for a friend, plse reply to me and I will have them call you

Someone we know was hit a few weeks ago in Jslm.  Police came,  did NOT give
him a ticket.  Guy who hit him claimed our friend  was drunk and tried to
blame him.  He told  police to give a breathalyzer test or test him in any
way they wanted, police said not necessary.  The other guy by the way, was a
teenager driving his father's fancy car, and with too many passengers in his
car!   Now nearly 2 months later, police called in our friend , locked him
in a room with police for over 5 hours so he got a parking ticket as well,
did not allow anyone including  his wife in with him, and took away his
license claiming he was "driving under the influence".  
I ask... if he was "under the influence" why did the police not give him a
ticket?  and WHY DID THEY LET  HIM DRIVE AWAY? kind of irresponsible on the
policemen's'  part, no?  Unless he was not really under the influence ......

I happen to know the police here are easily paid off, (and YES this is fact
so police fans who have never  really had anything to do with the  police
please do not bother replying)  I guess it is so in Jslm as well.   But
tachlis, now he needs  a good lawyer to get involved.  It seems  to be an
easy case.  Court date is in a few months but he needs his car for work so
this could  all but ruin his parnassa in the meantime.  

Any ideas???

Leeba (Bell) Rosenthal
BESIMCHA~Service With A Smile
Catering, Party Planning, Decorating, Arranging and Set Up
~From fun to fancy, simple to elegant~
~077 78 555 11~

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