[RBS] Parking Solution is Working!

[RBS] Parking Solution is Working!

Aryeh Sonnenberg aryehsonnenberg at gmail.com
Thu Mar 3 11:07:58 IST 2011

I received several emails yesterday from residents who said that the parking
lot in the RBS shopping center was much emptier than usual.

I received one email that said that Avis and Symer car had parked many cars
in the new designated rental car area. I popped by this morning, and there
was nary a car from Avis or Symer in the lot!!

I recommend that everyone pop in to Avis and give them a Kol Hakavod!

Also, write to these city officials and thank them for getting the ball
R' Moshe Montag - lishka.montag at gmail.com
R' Shmuelik Greenberg - shmuelg at bshemesh.co.il

Aryeh Sonnenberg
"The Land is Very, Very Good"

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