[RBS] Do you have chometz on your walls?

[RBS] Do you have chometz on your walls?

just now painter shmuel jnpshmuel at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 6 00:10:38 IST 2011

I hope you do.  Please ask your rabbi to check your walls for chometz, and if there is, please call us to paint with our kosher le pesach paint.  We have all the hechsheirim you need.  

But wait - there's more!  Paint now and get a Matzah knife for free. So, call now - our operators are waiting to take your calls.

Chodesh Tov.

 jnpshmuel -   the most visible painter  in Bs and Rbs so keep looking for the sign and paint  mobile  054-5682695

jnpshmuel -   the most visible painter  in Bs and Rbs so keep looking for the sign and paint  mobile  054-5682695


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