[RBS] On Hayarkon in RBSA - 350 new housing units to be built

[RBS] On Hayarkon in RBSA - 350 new housing units to be built

Fried lfried at shemesh.co.il
Wed Mar 9 00:28:08 IST 2011

The city and regional planning commission have announced the intended
imminent construction of 350 new apartments on and adjacent to Nahar
Yayarkon in RBSA.  Beginning at the bottom of the street, at the
intersection with Hakishon, and running up hill, the plans call for 15
5-story buildings along Hayarkon (standing 3-plus stories above street
level, and then cantilevered down into the valley), several larger buildings
toward the intersection of Hayarkon and Hayarden (Hayarden will cross
Hayarkon and be extended into the valley), and behind them a new road giving
access to an area of lower-density housing, including two-family cottages.
(See item below from R' Dov Lipman's weekly BS News.)

I am happy to send an electronic copy of some of the plans, as well as the
takanon, to anyone who is interested.  If there are any BS/RBS residents who
would like to get together to discuss the plans, I am happy to host a
meeting in our home sometime before Purim.  Any objections, or requests to
modify the plans in any way, must be submitted soon to the regional planning
commission.  Objections or comments can be on any grounds - e.g.
environmental, aesthetic, historic (preserving antiquities), health, lack of
sufficient infrastructure (roads, parking, etc.), insufficient public space
(ganim, schools, synagogues), etc.

Personally, I would like to see the project down-sized just a bit - lower
density and lower height.  350 units is the size of all of Ramat Shilo.  I
think that RBSA could better absorb something a bit smaller into the
existing infrastructure, public services (schools and shuls), and commercial
resources.  (Until the "maar" farther down the valley, across from Ramat
Shilo, might be built one day, the RBSA merkaz mischari is just about all
there is.  In the next few weeks plans for construction on the west side of
Nahar Hayarden and massive construction in RBS gimel-2 are also going to be

In the meantime, if anyone can offer suggestions (based on
experience/expertise) as to how submissions to the regional planning
commission should be made, please email me or join this discussion (assuming
any discussion on the lists is not inflammatory, and will be allowed to
continue by the list moderators).  Is it better to submit individual
objections/requests/comments, or better to have multiple signatures on a
single letter?  Is there any particular format?

Wishing everyone quality of life, in every way, BE"H,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

(Dov Lipman)

This past week, signs went up across from the buildings on Yarkon indicating
a new building project.  This is not a new RBS community but a planned part
of RBS Aleph called "Mem 3."  The plan is for 350 apartments of 140 meters
each with apartments of 5 to 6 rooms.  This will appeal to middle class
families who are looking for nicer apartments.  A 60 day period for
objections has begun and, assuming that there are no serious objections,
tenders will go out in July or August and tractors may begin work in the
Fall.  City councilman Jacki Edry is urging the community not to object
since this project was planned for a dati leumi population and is not part
of Degel HaTorah Councilman Moshe Montag's plans for the RBS Gimmel, Dalet,
Hei, etc.  Members of the local environmental groups view this project as
the first one to take away the beautiful archeological and environmental
sites used in the hills across from Yarkon and are urging people to object
to the project which they say is not being done with any concerns for the
environment.  Mayor Abutbol declared last week that he is not concerned
about hurting nature in these new construction projects since "the holiness
of man takes priority over the holiness of the ground."  Those who want to
object to the construction are encouraged to contact Naama Maguri at
nmagori at bezeqint.net.   Those who want to explore bids on new apartments in
the project should contact Jacky Edri at edry11 at inter.net.il.


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