[RBS] Fw: Saidels Challahs are HEALTHY and DELICIOUS!

[RBS] Fw: Saidels Challahs are HEALTHY and DELICIOUS!

yamin and justine cohen justine at neto.net.il
Wed Mar 9 21:38:32 IST 2011

Subject: Saidels Challahs are HEALTHY and DELICIOUS!

      The secret ingredient of Saidel's challahs that make them so healthy is fresh wheat germ. The wheat germ is usually removed from all white flour and 80% of whole wheat flour because it quickly becomes rancid if not refrigerated, and thus reduces the shelf life of the product.

      At Saidels Bakery we grind our own whole wheat flour from organically grown wheat, kachol lavan, and add that fresh flour, including the wheat germ, to our challahs just before baking them. Therefore you get the maximum health benefits that wheat germ has to offer, vitamins, minerals and protein.

      Not only are Saidels challahs the healthiest you can buy in the country, they are also the yummiest challahs you have ever tasted. Baked by a small family of artisan bakers who invest individual care and attention to every single challah.

      Saidels challahs taste home made because they are home made! 
      Try one and you will not be disappointed.

      In addition to challahs Saidels Bakery makes a variety of health breads, bialys, cookies and scrumptious apple pies. 

      Purim: Please note that orders for our unique hamantaschen will be open from Saturday night 12th March and will close on Wednesday night 16th March at 10pm. Due to our limited capacity we cannot accept orders after Wednesday night - so please get your orders in early so you don't miss out.

      We will have both cookie and YEASTED hamantaschen. The cookie hamantaschen come in 3 flavours: Chocolate, blueberry and dates. The yeasted hamantaschen also come in 3 flavours: Mon, apple and cinammon and Boston cream. The link with all the information about the hamantaschen is on our website. The hamantaschen will be available for the Shabbat of Purim. For your purim seuda we also recommend ordering extra challahs for next Shabbat and then freezing them so they can be used for seuda.

      In the meantime we look forward to receiving your orders for challot, health breads, cookies and apple pies for this Shabbat.

      To order, visit http://saidels.com and use our user friendly on-line order form or call  09-7941222. Our website contains photos and information about all our products.

      Saidels Bakery delivers every Friday to Ramat Bet Shemesh. We also deliver to your door for an extra 10 NIS delivery fee.
      Our pick-up is at the Cohen Family, Nachal Nachshon 6/18 (the cottages behind building #6). Tel: 9920559 from from 14:00-16:00.
      Shabbat Shalom
      Les and Sheryl Saidel
      Saidels Bakery - "Baked with love"
      shezles at saidels.com 

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