[RBS] Dog Owners Please clean up after your dogs...

[RBS] Dog Owners Please clean up after your dogs...

mflieber mflieber at zahav.net.il
Sat Mar 12 20:18:54 IST 2011

Shavua Tov Listers
Walking home from shul today, I almost stepped into some "doggy-do" - I
noticed that down the street there were a bunch of young boys, probably no
older than 10 - and at least 2-3 dogs between them.  While the dogs were on
a leash, they were making all over the place.  These children did not have
anything to scoop up the waste.  There are young children in this area who
walk on the steps, who play in the playgrounds, who walk near bushes, who
walk on the sidewalks and there is dog stuff all over the place.  Please -
dog owners, take a moment and if you trust your children with the dog, teach
them to clean up afterwards.  It isn't fair to adults who accidentally step
into it and even more so, to young children who play in the area.
I know that in Sheinfeld there are signs to clean up after the dogs, but
haven't noticed anything in this area.
The Liebers

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