[RBS] Please read psak from big RABBANIM

[RBS] Please read psak from big RABBANIM

just now painter shmuel jnpshmuel at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 13 00:07:07 IST 2011

It has been found by the Rabbanim in the Gamara of painting for Pesach  daf 32 bet line 32 that before you paint for Pesach you have to kasher your walls with a blow torch.  This is not a chumra. After consulting with the Rabbis it has to be done.  We at JNP have spent an intense week with the Rabbonim learning to do this.  This is the psak brought down by HaRav Hagoan Rabbi Hummann

Happy Pesach to you
Happy Pesach to you
Happy Pesach dear houseowner
May you have a very clean house for Peasch

jnpshmuel -   the most visible painter  in Bs and Rbs so keep looking for the sign and paint  mobile  054-5682695


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