[RBS] Orphaned RBS girl needs our help for her wedding

[RBS] Orphaned RBS girl needs our help for her wedding

Leeba (Bell) Rosenthal hazlucha at bezeqint.net
Mon Mar 14 22:05:49 IST 2011

2 girls just knocked on our door.......girls we know from the block, my
daughter's friends.  They were collecting for a friend of theirs who is to
be married in three weeks IYH.  The kallah, their friend, is an orphan ,
youngest of 10 or 11 kids, orphaned at a young age.  This orphan is a RBS
resident and her married  sister lives on Dolev.  "Aniyei ircha kodem" - the
poor of your city come first, especially an orphan.   I was touched by these
young girls out collecting for their friend and offered to post it on the
lists.  The wedding will be as simple as can be, but basic costs still need
to be covered.  If you can help in any way please be in touch with us.
Donations can be dropped off at our home, Nachal El Al 6/2 , cash preferred,
but if you need to write a check be in touch and we will figure  something
out. For donations of over 50 sh we will arrange for them to be picked up. 

Thank you, tizku lemitsvot
Leeba and Pinchas   

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