[RBS] Rabbi Pinchas Winston "Current Events" Shuir Uploaded

[RBS] Rabbi Pinchas Winston "Current Events" Shuir Uploaded

ashenrus1 neshoma at bezeqint.net
Wed Mar 16 06:20:54 IST 2011

Dear RBS,

If anyone missed tonight's shiur on "Current Events: Not Just  Another Scenario" that was at Kehillat Ahava VeSimcha (Carlebach Shul) or you want to hear it again, you can download the
shiur titled "Current Events Not Just Another Scenario.mp3" which it is in a mp3 format at the following website: http://www.mediafire.com/?g6296q4cpvcg4sc

For those men who would like to join in the weekly men's shiur that is on Tuesday night in Ramat Bet Shemesh at Mr. Maslin's home, can join at the following yahoogroups website  to get the latest information on the men's shiur of http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RabbiWinstonGroup/

For the women who would like to be updated on a weekly basis for the Women shuirim and links of the men's shiur,  please join at the following yahoogroups website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RBS_Womens_Shiur/

Enjoy listening to the shiur

Reuven Ashenberg
Moderator of the Rabbi Winston Group

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