[RBS] melting bobka has arrived!

[RBS] melting bobka has arrived!

marti winston martirobin2 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 15:44:14 IST 2011

Hi ho everyone!
Best & Hakol Lishulchan got their Yummy Melting bobka delivery.
Since Purim comes in right after Shabbos goes out, make sure to get
your Melting Bobka Chocolate bobkas, cinnamon bobkas, cinnamon buns,
cookies and cakes NOW before they are all gone!
I got mine
At Best market on Dolev they are in the back near the bakery section.
At Hakol Lishulchan (which is very busy right now but they are
cheaper) these goodies are right by the register inside the store.
Purim sameach

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