[RBS] Lema'an Achai: Yeshar Koach!!

[RBS] Lema'an Achai: Yeshar Koach!!

David Morris david at lemaanachai.org
Tue Mar 22 16:59:33 IST 2011

An ENORMOUS Yeshar Koach to:

The volunteers and staff at Lema'an Achai, under the halachik supervision of
Rabbi Chayim Soloveichik and Rav Yaakov Haber, and under the inspired and
inspiring leadership of Rav Avrohom Leventhal, who worked day & night for
weeks to prepare and implement an innovative and
more-successful-than-ever Matanot Le'evionim program!

The boys of Bnei youth group under the supervision of R' Dovid Aaronson and
R' Simi Hollander and the talmidim of Yeshivat Reishit who did a superb job
as netzigim of Lema'an Achai.

The talmidim of Yeshivat Lev HaTorah and our volunteer drivers who delivered
Matanot L'Evyonim until the late hours of the day.

Especially YOU, the members of our amazing community, who opened your hearts
and your pockets in amazing generosity, to help Lema'an Achai help over two
hundred impoverished families have a joyous Purim.

I, for one, am deeply moved and awed by this wondrous partnership - so pure
and clear on Purim - our community with Lema'an Achai.

Tizku lemitzvot!!

Best Regards,


David Morris,
Chairman, Lema'an Achai

www.SmartChesed.org <http://www.smartchesed.org/>

Tel: +972 2 9991553
Direct: +972 2 9997107
Donations 24/6: 02 99999.33

40/7 Nachal Lachish,
Ramat Beit Shemesh
99093 ISRAEL.
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