[RBS] Sunday last chance to donate leftover Purim candy

[RBS] Sunday last chance to donate leftover Purim candy

Rachel & Daniel Brody dbrody at 012.net.il
Sat Mar 26 19:20:35 IST 2011

Thanks so much to all those who have brought over candy for the chayalim!

If you have extra candy left over after Purim, please consider donating
it to "A Package From Home".  This non-profit organization sends
packages to chayalim bodedim and combat soldiers in the IDF.

* All items must be packaged with a hechsher (and not homemade).
* For security reasons, please identify (family name and phone number)
where the items came from (not on each item - just on the bag or box
you're delivering!)

Items can be delivered in Sheinfeld or in RBS up until Sunday, March 27th

Daniel & Rachel Brody
Rechov Reuven 35 (old 43)
Givat Sharret, Beit Shemesh

Rivka Ester Rothstein
Nahar HaYarkon 8/1, ground floor on the right - big box (or bag!) outside
the door in case no one's home.

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