[RBS] Available: Spelt, oat, and gluten-free matzos:

[RBS] Available: Spelt, oat, and gluten-free matzos:

Rivka Radonsky SLP radonski at bezeqint.net
Mon Mar 28 21:31:50 IST 2011

Spelt, oat, and gluten-free matzos are available by ordering on the 
following number

077 901 5645

There is a range of hand made and machine matzos, under the Hashgacha of 
Dayan SHmuel Meyer Katz of New Jersey and Dayan Mordechai Klein. Rav 
Malinowitz  has endorsed this hashgacha as acceptable.

The costs varied, but one box (454grams) of hand made spelt costs up to 
130nis. I am not yet sure of the pick-up point or if it is delivered, I am 
waiting for the people to call me back. I left a message asking if we could 
get a reduction for a group order. So if you interested, post to the list 
and be in touch. I personally am only interested in a box of  handmade 
spelt. For more information call the phone number above.

Chag Kasher VeSameach!


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