[RBS] BS/RBS Community Calendar

[RBS] BS/RBS Community Calendar

ashenrus1 neshoma at bezeqint.net
Mon May 2 11:48:45 IDT 2011

Dear RBS


I want to bring a very important piece of information to all those who have simchot, shiurim, events, and  anything that's planned that needs to be posted to the Yahoogroups in the Bet Shemesh/Ramat Bet Shemesh communities.  

In the past there seems to be a confusion or lack of knowledge that many times events have had conflicting events on the same night. To avoid this issue, there is a calendar for the BS/RBS community where you can post your event, shiur, simcha for all to see so there will not be double events on the same night. It's so important and key that we use this free and easy calendar to avoid issues and causing undue heartache to those who are planning events for an evening.   

The website for the BS/RBS community calendar is at http://forum.shemesh.co.il/cal_view_month.php  where you will need a user name and password to edit your posting.  

Please use this calendar to make sure you do not plan events not a particular night that's already booked with an event, shiur, simcha already.

Let's use this free and wonderful tool and everyone can check the calendar at their leisure!!!

Reuvcen Asheneberg

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