[RBS] Freeing Jonathan Pollard- The White House is Answering Phone Calls

[RBS] Freeing Jonathan Pollard- The White House is Answering Phone Calls

LEMKIN REALTY lemkinrealestate at yahoo.com
Mon May 2 21:58:27 IDT 2011

Just got this, tried it and indeed the White House is answering phone calls for 
those who want to leave comments.-Please urge Obama to release Jonathan Pollard:

Several people have called the White House comment line at 202-456-1111 and have 
gotten through immediately.  It is possible that the White House put extra 
people on in order to receive the expected accolades over the Bin Laden 
assassination.  Let's use this as an opportunity to help Jonathan Pollard by 
bombarding the White House with calls asking the President to free Jonathan 
Pollard.  Of course, you can congratulate the President for ridding the world of 
Bin Laden as part of the same phone call.  Tizku lemitzvos.

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