[RBS] AMAZING TUTOR: gemara, limudei kodesh, bar mitsvah parsha leigning and speech prep!

[RBS] AMAZING TUTOR: gemara, limudei kodesh, bar mitsvah parsha leigning and speech prep!

Leeba (Bell) Rosenthal hazlucha at bezeqint.net
Sun May 8 23:28:00 IDT 2011



The frustration that a boy can have in gemora and in school  can cause or
exacerbate self-esteem problems, put stress on relationships with parents,
and chas veshalom put doubt and mistaken hashkafa in a good boy's heart.


Even boys who can learn can get really frustrated when trying to read gemora
and still be left not being able to make a laining, or come up with their
own pshatim.


But don't worry, there's still so much you can do for your child!!


Even with limited time - and budget - you can get involved with his learning
and build your relationship with him.


Call  Dovid Aaronson  at 050 412 7216. 


Tell me about your son and find out how a structured approach to what he is
learning today will give him the tools to learn tomorrow's gemora.


Don't let this school year go to waste when your son can spend the rest of
it loving to learn!! Only a few spots are still available, so call right

Now serving students in RBS, Nofei Aviv and Sheinfeld as well as all other
Bet Shemesh neighborhoods.


Learn about this approach to bar mitzvah tutoring and other limudim as well.
References available upon request


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