[RBS] Registration has begun for Limudei Lottie's Summer Semester

[RBS] Registration has begun for Limudei Lottie's Summer Semester

Limudei Lottie limudeilottie at bezeqint.net
Sun May 8 22:44:02 IDT 2011

Limudei Lottie
In Memory of Mrs. Lottie Rosenson, A"H

Summer Semester

May 16 - June 21 (5 Weeks)

There are no classes the week of Shavuos (June 6)

All classes take place at Bais Knesses Aish Kodesh - Nachal Maor 4

3 Easy ways to Register
1.Phone: Call Leya - 054-841-8367
2. By Email: limudeilottie at bezeqint.net
3. Online: Go to www.limudeilottie.org

5 week course: 100 NIS
Reb. Malinowitz: FREE - Suggested Donation 20 NIS per class
Mini Course: 25 NIS per class
Individual Classes: 25 NIS.

B"H we have found a babysitter who is available for all classes on 
Monday and Tuesday.  If you are interested in babysitting you must 
register to be assured a spot and for babysitting to be guaranteed.  
Cost 25NIS per course 5 NIS per mini course.

Course Descriptions

9:25 - 10:25

Rebbetzin Simi Malinowitz-Timely Halachic Topics

Join this very practical Halacha class, and prepare for inyanei diyoma. 
In this five week series the topics that will, IY"H, be covered are:

May 16,23 -   Halachos and Hashkafos of Challah

May 30 -        Halachos of Yom Tov/ Shavuos

June 13,20 -  Halachos of Bein Hamitzarim

10:30 - 11:30

Mrs. Bayla Jacobovitz - Sefer Nefesh Chaya

***Mini Course Monday will take place in this time slot on June 13 ****

Join us as we continue to explore and analyze Nefesh Chaya,a compilation 
of Rabbi Shimshon Pincus's uplifting shiurim specifically for women 
(text based)

Topics to be covered:

1)Otzrot Genuzim- Hidden Treasures A deeper understanding of women and 
hair covering

2)Our inner Desire for Kedusha: Lessons from the Zealousness of Pinchas 
in Understanding Our Self Motivation

Appointments With Rebbetzin Malinowitz

To Schedule an appointment call 054-841-8367

or email limudeilottie at bezeqint.net

11:35 - 12:35

Mini Course Monday

May 16,23,30     Rebbetzin Yehudis Samet -

  Honoring Parents Posthumously Part 4,5 & 6

June 13             Mrs. Dina Shoonmaker -

Menuchas HaNefesh

  ***10:30 - 11:30 NOTE CHANGE IN TIME****

June 30             Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg

What are we missing? What do we have? - A shiur for the three weeks


9:25 - 10:25

Mrs. Chana Gila Fox - Pirkei Avos

In this course we will try to reach a deep understanding of selected 
mishnayos of Pirkei Avos.  Each week the focus will be on the Chapter of 
the following shabbos. It is recommended to bring a Pirkei Avos with 
Rabeinu Yonah.  All skill levels welcome.

10:30 - 11:25

Mrs. Chana Ginsburg - Shavuos & Megilas Rus

In this course we will study Megillas Rus by turning to the wealth and 
richness of the Talmud and Midrashic literature, to discover new meaning 
in the Pshat of the text that is so familiar to us. We will discover 
that Drash will provide logical answers to the problems left unsolved by 
reading Pshat alone. All sources will be provided in English and in Hebrew

11:30 - 12:45

Mrs. Avigail Polishuk - CPR/First Aid

Avigayil Polishuk is a certified instructor (in both Israel and by the 
American Red Cross).

This class is important for every person. Statistics show that people 
who are familiar with first aid/cpr will respond more rapidly in an 
emergency situation. It is also true that with even one minute quicker 
response to give cpr or aed , increases significantly (possibly 90%), a 
victims chance of survival.  Of course we hope to never have to use 
anything that we learn in this class, realistically however, anyone with 
children does need to be informed. Women who have taken this course have 
reported- "I really have already saved a life (lives)."

In this hands- on course you will be taught Standard First Aid and CPR. 
Aside from the oral instruction and demonstrations, you will be provided 
with practical and easily understood handouts. You will practice CPR on 
dummies. You will learn what to do in case of a choking child. It is as 
easy as "CABC "(come to the class to find out what this means!)

**Minimum registration required for the class to run**

**Class size is limited to 15 participants**

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