[RBS] need help on a flight from Newark in august

[RBS] need help on a flight from Newark in august

Yaelle Moesch jacquidiane at yahoo.com
Mon May 9 14:24:35 IDT 2011

Do you know of a sem girl coming to Israel or have a teenage daughter that will be flying back to Israel in August?
I am looking for someone who will be on our flight that would be able to help us - Im travelling with 3 kids and lots of suitcases and could use an extra pair of hands, either on the flight or who could help push a stroller/ wheel some bags along/ hold a kids hand so they dont get lost etc. Happy to be of help in exchange - whether its giving them a ride back to RBS or if they are a minor we could be their accompanying guardian or whatever they need.
If you know of someone that is on our flight - flight from EWR (Newark) to TLV on August 16th on ELAL (13:30 flight) please be in touch by email

Yaelle Moesch
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