[RBS] Preparation of Lag BaOmer Bonfires Only in a Permissible Manner

[RBS] Preparation of Lag BaOmer Bonfires Only in a Permissible Manner

Catriel Lev clev at actcom.com
Tue May 17 11:24:39 IDT 2011

Shalom to All,

The following is my English translation of the Public Announcement of Rabbanim from the neighborhood of RBS-Alef regarding preparing Lag BaOmer bonfires only in a permissible manner:

As we approach Lag BaOmer we remind the public of the known Halachot relating to the celebration and the bonfires:

1. Taking wood and other materials which are NOT Hefker, and ruining public or private property violates several severe Torah prohibitions, such as: Theft, Robbery (Gezel), Wanton Destruction (Bal Tashchit), etc.

2. Use of supermarket carts (trolleys) for conveying materials (such as wood) to the bonfire area and the like, even with the intent to return them afterwards, is Gezel, since borrowing without knowledge (permission) is Gezel.

3. Using materials gathered in such prohibited ways for a Lag BaOmer celebration is NO Mitzvah, since a Mitzvah produced by violating prohibitions is not a Mitzvah!

4. This year Lag BaOmer starts Saturday night, and everyone must remember not to begin preparations for the Lag BaOmer celebration until Shabbat has ended.

(sent out by the following Rabbanim from the neighborhood of RBS-Alef, listed in no particular order which I can see):
Rav Chaim Soloveichik, Bet Knesset Ohr Shalom
Rav Menachem Copperman, Bet Knesset Ahavat Tzion
Rav Itiel Ariel, Bet Knesset Mercazi
Rav Daniel Meyers, Bet Knesset Menorat HaMaor
Rav Daniel Dreyer, Bet Knesset Nachalei Tefillah
Rav Boaz Mori, Yeshivat Lev HaTorah
Rav Yosef Edri, Bet Knesset Ohel Avraham VeSarah (sic, but I thought that the name was: Ohel Avraham UMeir)
Rav David Bagno, Bet Knesset Mishkan Shilo
Rav Rafi Roness, Bet Knesset Ben Tzvi
Rav Shai Naftali, Bet Knesset Ramat Shilo
Rav Nir Vargon, Bet Knesset Ramat Shalom

May we all be Zocheh to a safe and holy Lag BaOmer, free of Aveirot performed in preparation for the bonfires (or in any other way),

Catriel Lev
Ramat Bet Shemesh, Israel
Mobile Phone: 050-205-7867

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