[RBS] Computer Relief - Computer Repairs & Solutions. Contact: 054-976-1606

[RBS] Computer Relief - Computer Repairs & Solutions. Contact: 054-976-1606

Reuven Grantz reuven at computerrelief.co.il
Sun May 22 21:00:08 IDT 2011


*Computer Relief* Repairs & Solutions - for *Individuals*, *Businesses* &

Contact info: *054-976-1606*  or reuven at computerrelief.co.il

*** Computer Repairs & Solutions ***

***  Setup of new computers, data transfers.

***  Virus removal and prevention.

***  Solutions for speeding up old PCs.

***  Computers and accessories for Rental.

***  Online and offline Automatic backups.

***  General computer Repair and troubleshooting

***  Good prices on second hand items.

*~~~ Network repairs & Solutions ~~~*

*~~~*  Setup of Wireless and physical Networks. Wireless signal boosting
         and large scale/multi-storey deployments.

*~~~*  troubleshooting various network and Internet problems. low
         wireless signal, line dropping, intermittent disconnections, etc.

*~~~*  Cellular Internet rental. (40 NIS/Day)

*$$ Business Solutions: $$*

*$*  Setup of virtual machines for the use of multiple operating systems

*$*  Google apps Setup, contact sharing, network sync & More.

*$*  Network backup solutions.

*$*  Internet sharing and Security Checking.

*$*  RAID and Server Configurations.

*$* Creative and Advanced solutions to various scenarios.

**Thank you,

Reuven Grantz
reuven at computerrelief.co.il

Computer Relief
2010 - 2011

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