[RBS] Whether you were at Shirat Devorah or not - read on!

[RBS] Whether you were at Shirat Devorah or not - read on!

Sarah Gordon sarahisima at gmail.com
Mon May 30 10:58:02 IDT 2011

If you were at the Shirat Devorah then you know that Tamar Rudy has a
beautiful singing voice
But - did you know that she could do comedy?

If you were at the Shirat Devorah then you know that Sarah Gordon can beat-box.
But did you know that she can Mime?

Tamar and Sarah are two fifths of the Ensemble, performing June 14th
at the Ulam Sport RBSA.

To see them do this and much more -contact our ticket office now!

By phone - 052-598-3962
By e-mail - ensemble.art at gmail.com

Here is what people said about our previous show in Yerushalayim:

"Everyone has only positive to say about the performance, they loved it."

"It had a beautiful message but it was so subtle"

"Without the dvar torah-there was the dvar torah"

"the comedy was great, the singing was gorgeous-everything- it was so
so perfect"

'I came home understanding how I could be a better mother and friend"

"The script was entertaining, and well-paced, with an inspirational
message that everyone could identify with. The acting was great, the
comedy a real treat, and the singing was absolutely heartwarming
(great choice of songs!). BRAVO! Thanks for a fantastic night out

The Ensemble's new show - "The Fine Art of Giving" June 14 RBSA

By phone - 052-598-3962
By e-mail - ensemble.art at gmail.com

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