[RBS] Refuah Shleimah Yaakov ben Esther: Tehillim Mechulak

[RBS] Refuah Shleimah Yaakov ben Esther: Tehillim Mechulak

Noach Magedman nmagedman at gmail.com
Mon May 30 17:33:54 IDT 2011

Thank you to everyone davening and saying Tehillim for *Yaakov ben Esther*,
a holy, young Jew who suffered head trauma in a car accident.  The family is
organizing Tehillim Mechulak for him.  Please sign up for a few

Below is a letter from the boy's father, sent out to the Aish HaTorah


From: Ephraim <ephraim at shoreisrael.com>
> Date: Sun, May 29, 2011 at 10:08 PM
> Subject: [allbranches] Yaakov ben Esther
> Unfortunately I was a bit overly optimistic yesterday due to
> misinformation.  His pressure did not go down as much as we were led to
> believe, although it is still being kept just under danger levels, Baruch
> Hashem.
> However, he has developed pneumonia (and maybe sinisitis) which is
> problematic cause it could lead to less oxygen to the brain, which could
> possibly lead to him requiring more surgery on his head to relieve pressure.
> Doctors said it's still quite dangerous for Yaakov the next 5-7 days.
> Because the pressure is not going down as quickly as we'd like they are not
> risking lessening the sedation level.
> They gave us a more realistic view of the timeline as of now, which is 5-7
> days of potential danger/brain pressure, then if things lets off, G-d
> willing, it will be about a week process of easing him out of sedation to
> wake up to whatever level he is able.  Only then will anyone have any guess
> as to where things are at for him.
> All that said, I can't begin to tell you how important everyone's love and
> caring is.  I never would have imagined it actually.  From people close by
> who have seemingly put their own lives on hold to help our family continue
> ticking (e.g. Fannie Schwartz, Rebecca Shore, Rebbetzin Weinberg, Ruth
> Spiro), to tens of others pitching in all over the place (I won't name them
> cause it's so many), to people I've never even heard of making meals for us,
> to people from 30 years ago in my life reconnecting to express their concern
> and offering their prayers, to yeshivas all over the world dedicating
> tehillim and learning and mitzva projects in his zchut, to others running
> around to get brachot from important Rabbanim, it's like a huge
> international machine that is generating strength for us and zchuyot for
> Yaakov.
> Esther is a rock of strength and optimism.  I'm not.  But I do trust that
> everything Hashem does is just and good.
> My apologies for not answering most emails and phone calls but they are
> registering.
> Please continue asking Hashem for Refuas Hanefesh v'Refuas HaGuf for Yaakov
> ben Esther. Thanks.
> Ephraim
> P.S.  A couple of Yaakov's traits we have been talking about:
> 1.  He never complained (and he had lots of good causes to)
> 2.  He never blamed others (and he could have with good reason)
> So we're asking people to try focus on trying to be more sensitive in those
> areas in his merit.  It will be good for all of us.
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