[RBS] kupot charging for flu shot this year

[RBS] kupot charging for flu shot this year

Riva joelriva at bezeqint.net
Tue Nov 1 17:13:58 IST 2011

I was very unhappy to see that Meuhedet is charging 50 shekels per flu shot
for anyone over eight this year (I believe they are giving it free of charge
to people with conditions like asthma). I'm interested in knowing if the
other Kupot are charging. If you know, can you let me know, please? If you
are unhappy as well, I suggest you let Meuhedet know. I'm not sure how it
makes sense for them to charge for flu shots thereby making people think
twice about giving them. It would cost the Kupa a lot more if, G-d forbid,
people get the flu!




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