[RBS] SPECIAL this week on Saidels Sweet Challah in RBS

[RBS] SPECIAL this week on Saidels Sweet Challah in RBS

Sheryl Saidel shezles at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 9 16:13:39 IST 2011

SPECIAL!! Saidels Sweet Challah only 10 NIS (regular price 12.50 NIS)

Interesting fact:

Queen Marie Antionette is famous for her remark "If they don't have bread, give them challah!" that sparked the French  Revolution. Sounds ridiculous? Actually it is true! Marie, as we all know, spoke French and what she really said was - If they don't have bread, give them "brioche". The well known English translation is "cake", but in fact, brioche is much closer to what we know as "challah" than cake.

As opposed to the simple bread of the peasant French (flour, water, yeast and salt), brioche contains richer, more expensive ingredients such as eggs, sugar and oil, which the peasants couldn't afford. So the bottom line is that either "cake" or "challah" type bread were equally far out of reach of the poor peasants in terms of imagery. However in technical baking terms (which we are experts in) Marie was not talking about a chocolate chip chiffon cake, but a challah!

The braided challah, which is not a biblical Jewish bread but a relatively newcomer to our tradition (chronologically speaking), is rich in Kabbalistic symbolism. The intertwining braids embracing each other symbolize love, between man and his fellow man and, on a higher dimension, between man and G-d.

Saidels Sweet Challah is eveything stated above and more! It is a bread filled with high quality ingredients, such as eggs, sugar and oil (we use Canola), baked according to a well guarded family recipe passed down over generations, making it one of the yummiest challahs you have ever eaten.

It is beautifully hand braided and a fitting adornment to your Shabat table. It is imbued with love in every crumb. Each challah is a labour of love, hand made from beginning to end and baked in an ancient brick oven with all the love and  attention that only an artisan baker can give to his creations.

Finally, it is much healthier than any other sweet challah, as it contains wild yeast and 10% stone ground whole wheat flour. It looks white and is light and fluffy, just like regular sweet challah you are familiar with, so kids love it. You, the parents, have the extra gratification knowing that it is also healthy for them (and you), packed with B-Complex vitamins, Vitamin E, minerals and fibre.

Usually only crumbs are left after Shabat, but if, by chance there is any left over, it makes the tastiest toasted sandwiches ever, and best of all .....

It is on SPECIAL this week -

SPECIAL!! Saidels Sweet Challah only 10NIS (regular price 12.50)

Also check out our other delicious hand baked products on our website http://saidels.com You may order on the website or by phone 09-7941222.

We deliver to Ramat Bet Shemesh every Friday. We have a pick-up point or we can  DELIVER to your door for an extra 10 NIS delivery fee.
Our pick-up point is at Hadine and Andrew Gordon.
 Nachal Shimshon 12/1. Tel: 9997643.  14:00-16:00.

Read our monthly article "The Anatomy of a Bake" and other interesting articles relating to baking and health at -

Shabbat Shalom
Les and Sheryl Saidel
Saidels Bakery "baked with love"
Tel: 09-7941222
shezles at saidels.com
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