[RBS] melting babka in rbsa

[RBS] melting babka in rbsa

marti winston martirobin2 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 12 19:24:13 IST 2011

   What is Melting Babka?

American style cakes for the American palette

This line of desserts consists of

Deliciously sweet, gooey chocolately bobkas,
Cinnamony cinnamon bobkas,
moist cinnamon buns,
chocolate cake with fudge icing,
soft chocolate chip cookies packed full of chips
rich chocolate brownies with white chocolate

The Babkas are a bit undercooked so you can put them on your blech on
Shabbos morning to heat up and they wont dry out.

All items with a Rav Rubin hechshir.
These desserts are the closest thing I have come across to the desserts I
grew up with.

Available Thursday after 10 am at Best Market Nachal Dolev and Hakol
Lishulchan in the RBSA shopping center.

>Shavuah tov
>P.S. I do NOT work for this company! We just love these goodies and want
them to continue delivering to RBS!



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