[RBS] SPECIAL on Saidels Health Breads this week in RBS

[RBS] SPECIAL on Saidels Health Breads this week in RBS

Sheryl Saidel shezles at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 16 17:43:41 IST 2011

Health Bread Bonanza SPECIAL back by popular demand -
Rambam Bread only 19 NIS (20 NIS sliced). Regular price 21 NIS (22 sliced) NIS
100% Whole Wheat only 14 NIS (15 NIS sliced). Regular price 16 NIS (17 sliced) NIS
Saidels Sourdough only 13 NIS (14NIS sliced). Regular price 15 NIS (16 sliced) NIS
NEW STUDY PROVES - whole grains reduce the risk of bowel cancer ! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-15674998
There are so many hidden (and not so hidden) chemicals and additives that are included in our highly processed foods, it is enough to make your head spin. None of these have been tested for their long term effects (10+ years) on the human body (the FDA approval process takes between 2 - 6 years). Similarly, no studies are conducted to determine the effects of combinations of these compounds. There are just so many (over 5,000 new ones each year) and the permuations are so large that this kind of research is unthinkable.
In the end, if no harmful effects can be seen within 6 years, in limited tests with a limited combination of substances, the product receives approval and is released on an unsuspecting public. We, the public, are in fact the Guinea pigs and most times it takes one or many people to die or suffer irreparable harm, before a hidden danger is uncovered and the company is forced to recall its products.
We constantly bombard our bodies with supposedly "safe" food and drink, without knowing what long term damage we are causing ourselves. This damage may not manifest itself for perhaps another 20 years. This is probably the most serious malady of our modern age. We are poisoning ourselves and there is very little we can do about it, since we are deluged from every direction with processed food in every form, from even basic foodstuffs like meat, chicken, fish, vegetables and fruit, to easily recognisable processed foods like cereals, bread, pasta etc.
The only thing we CAN do, is arm ourselves with whatever arsenal we can, to combat this deluge. One of the mightiest weapons in this arsenal are whole grains.
Saidels Bakery was founded on the very principle of whole grains. All our breads and challahs have whole grains in them, in varying percentages, from 10 - 100%. These whole grains are the highest quality obtainable, made from organic wheat, grown locally and stone ground by us, in our bakery, just before the dough is prepared - to ensure maximum freshness and preservation of all the vitamins and minerals.
No other bakery in the country grinds their own whole wheat flour. Period.
You owe it to yourselves and your family to increase your whole grain intake and this can easily be accomplished by simply switching your regular bread with a Saidels bread. The task of introducing this new trend into your family lifestyle is made all the more easy by the fact that our breads are so fresh and delicious. For example, our Rambam bread - in most of our customers homes the kids literally fight with the parents to see who is going to get more of this bread.
If you haven't yet tried our products, this is a great opportunity to test them out, as they are on special. If you are an existing client, you may want to consider increasing your intake of our breads based on the above study, substituting them for other, less healthy foods.
Check out our bakery and products on our website http://saidels.com You may order online or by phone 09-7941222. Our website contains photos and information about all our products.
We deliver to Ramat Bet Shemesh every Friday. We have a pick-up point or we can DELIVER to your door for an extra 10 NIS delivery fee. Our pick-up point in Ramat Bet Shemesh is at: Hadine and Andrew Gordon, Nachal Shimshon 12/1.Tel: 9997643.  14:00-16:00.
Read our monthly article "The Anatomy of a Bake" and other interesting articles relating to baking and health at -http://saidels.com/articlelist.htm
Shabbat Shalom
Les and Sheryl SaidelSaidels Bakery "baked with love"Tel: 09-7941222http://saidels.comshezles@saidels.com
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