[RBS] SPECIAL on Saidels Whole Wheat and Honey Challah this week

[RBS] SPECIAL on Saidels Whole Wheat and Honey Challah this week

Sheryl Saidel shezles at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 23 10:49:35 IST 2011

SPECIAL! Whole Wheat and Honey Challah only 14 NIS (instead of the regular 16 NIS)

What words can adequately describe our one-of-a-kind Whole Wheat and Honey Challah?

* So deliciously yummy, it should have been a candidate for one of the 7 wonders

* Extremely healthy, made with freshly stone ground, organic whole wheat

* An aroma and bouquet so complex and exquisite, it's like a vintage wine

* Light and fluffy, unlike any whole wheat you have ever eaten

* Beautiful 5 braid shape, an attraction at your Shabbat table

* If anything but crumbs is left after Shabbat (very unusual), it makes the best toasted sandwiches you have ever eaten.

But don't believe us, see what our customers are saying about this challah -

"Your (whole wheat & honey) Challah was also unbelievably delicious!"
J.A. (Ramat Bet Shemesh)

"Thank you very much for the tasty whole wheat challah! Have a shana tova."
C.L (Raanana)

"We would like to order 2 whole wheat and honey challot. They are amazing and we like
to use the second one on motze shabbes for toasted cheese."
D.F (Ramat Bet Shemesh)

"The whole wheat honey challah was soooo good."
I. W. (Bet Shemesh)

"The honey challa was amazing and so fresh that it lasted most the week."
S.K (Raanana)

Saidels Bakery specializes in hand-made, healthy artisan style baked goods, baked the old fashioned way. In addition to the special offer we have a range of other challahs, bagels, bialys, apple pies and cookies. Visit our website http://www.saidels.com for more details about our unique bakery and process.

You may order online at http://saidels.com/order.htm or by phone (09-7941222).

We deliver to Ramat Bet Shemesh every Friday. We have a pick-up point or we can  DELIVER to your door for an extra 10 NIS delivery fee.
Our pick-up point in Ramat Bet Shemesh is at:
Hadine and Andrew Gordon, Nachal Shimshon 12/1.
Tel: 9997643.  14:00-16:00.

Shabbat Shalom

Les and Sheryl Saidel
Saidels Bakery "baked with love"
Tel: 09-7941222
shezles at saidels.com
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