[RBS] The Absorption Office at the Iriya offers: Preparing your gan chova child entering first grade and ulpan for first graders - opening today!

[RBS] The Absorption Office at the Iriya offers: Preparing your gan chova child entering first grade and ulpan for first graders - opening today!

tami elmaliach elmaliacht at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 10:35:27 IST 2011

Dear parents,

The two programs for olim, preparing your gan chova child entering
first grade and ulpan for first grade have been integrated into one
program. Gan chova and first graders will start class at 15:30
together and they will be working on vocabulary building, familiarity
with Hebrew on different topics and working on spoken language. The
program will be presented in an enjoyable and creative experience.

After 45 minuets of learning, the gan chova children will end the
program and first graders will continue a second hour studding on a
higher level.

We invite you for a one hour trial class on Tuesday, November 29th at
15:30 at the olim learning center at Ahavat Israel boys school.
Registration will be after class.

Cost: gan chova children 70 NIS per month, first graders 100 NIS per month

Hope to see you all,

Rachel Cohen and Esther Hecht

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