[RBS] Bein Hazmanim davening at Menorat Hamaor

[RBS] Bein Hazmanim davening at Menorat Hamaor

Aryeh Koenigsberg aryeh.koenigsberg at gmail.com
Sun Oct 9 09:24:00 IST 2011


Kehillat Menorat Hamaor is pleased to announce
the following additional weekday minyanim during
Bein Hazmanim for Tishrei, 5772, beginning with
the day after Yom Kippur (today) until Rosh Chodesh

Shacharit:8:00 am
Mincha 5:00 pm

Chol Hamoed:
Shacharit: 8:15 am
Mincha: 4:50 pm

After Succot:
Shacharit: 8:00 am
Mincha: 4:40 pm

The full Menorat Hamaor Succot schedule is here:


Kehillat Menorat Hamaor is located at Nahal Maor 6.
Rav Daniel Myers is Rav Hakehilla.


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